We are an inner bayside school located in the City of Port Phillip, established in 1917 with students drawn from within our neighbourhood boundary. The school is in a quiet, residential area close to other facilities such as public transport, beaches and shopping villages. The school forms part of the Elwood Learning Hub, an education precinct which includes "Poets Grove Maternal Health, Childcare and Kindergarten Centre", Elwood Primary School and Elwood College.
One of our core strengths is the value placed on relational teaching and learning and community. Parents and staff work in partnership to support each child's learning journey and parental involvement in the many aspects of school life is highly valued.
Our school markets provide a strong sense of connectedness and are a major source of fundraising for our school. The mix of creative and performing artists in the community also supports and enhances the school’s learning and teaching programs.
Elwood Primary has a student population of approximately 650 with 29 classes from Prep to Grade 6. There has been significant development of the school's internal and external facilities in recent years. We enjoy spacious playgrounds including a park, half soccer pitch, cricket pitches and nets, asphalted basketball, volleyball and bat tennis courts, creative play areas, a play pod and sandpits. Classrooms have all been modernised and refurbished with information and communication technology integrated into all learning and teaching programs.
Our programs reflect our priority focus on the wellbeing of students and are designed to assist in developing skills for life-long learning. The values which form the basis of the school's actions are: empathy, resilience, respect, integrity and responsibility. They include the YCDI Foundations of organisation, persistence, getting along and confidence, all of which promote resilience in students. Programs are based on the belief that our students have the ability and the right to learn and we ensure that the environment is friendly, calm and orderly, safe, and responsive to the community's diversity.
We celebrate success in all areas of student achievement. We specifically focus on high quality programs with a clear commitment to student achievement in English and Mathematics as well as all other Victorian Curriculum areas. Professional learning is a key strategy for the school with a literacy and numeracy coaching model in place. The school is focused on personalising its curriculum to further meet student needs and abilities.
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program encourages pleasurable food education. Students in Grades 3 and 4 experience first-hand the links between growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing fresh, seasonal produce. This program is a key driver in the ethos of the school and helps facilitate our strong community links.
Specialist teaching areas include Music and Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Sport, STEM, Library/ICT, Indonesian as our LOTE, Tutor Learning Initiative and Enhancement.
Outside School Hours Care program and School Holiday programs are operated on the school site by TeamKids.