Beginning school is an important time for every child and their parents. At Elwood Primary School we believe that the best way to choose the right school for your child is to visit the classrooms, immerse yourself in the environment and see firsthand the routines that operate and the relationships that exist between teachers and students.
Following Education Week our Prep Transition program ‘Ready Set Go’ commences. The program is open to 4 or 5 year olds who are considering making Elwood Primary School their school of choice and live within our neighbourhood boundary.
2025 Session Dates :
Friday 16 May : 2.30-3.30 Session 1
Friday 13 June : 2.30-3.30 Session 2
Friday 1 August : 2.30-3.30 Session 3
Friday 29 August: 2.30 - 3.30 Session 4
Friday 17 October : 2.30 -3.30 Session 5
Friday 14 November : 2.30 - 3.30 Session 6
Tuesday 09 December : 11.30-12.30 Transition Session 7
TBC : 5.00-6.30 Welcome to Prep 2026 BBQ
To attend any of the sessions children must be registered - please contact the school office on 9531 2762.
Parent Information Evenings :
Part 1 : 'Learning & Teaching' at EPS : Wednesday 14 May, 6.00 - 7.00pm in our Junior Learning Centre. One parent/guardian per family welcome.
Part 2 : 'Preparing for Prep' at EPS : Wednesday 12 November, 6.00 - 7.00pm for Parents of incoming prep students enrolled in our school.
Registration for Ready Set Go - Transition Program for Prep.
The School Enrolment form includes Ready Set Go Registration. Click Here
School Tours
School Tours are held at 9.15am every Tuesday & Thursday commencing Tuesday 29 April until Wednesday 07 August
Tours take approximately one hour and depart from the Senior School Front Office.
Please book your school tour by calling 9531 2762.
Note : School Tours will not operate during July school holidays (7July - 18 July).