Before school Monday & Thursday from 8:45 - 9.00am
Lunchtime from 2.00 - 2.25pm on Monday & Thursday
This semester, students will begin each Information Learning Hub session by immersing themselves in books. They will search for and borrow texts that interest them and that also support their classroom learning. Senior students will also use our Library Online to search the school catalogue.
At the beginning of the year, we provide a whole school focus on Cyber Safety. Each year level builds on their knowledge of safe and appropriate online behaviours and explore strategies for dealing with negative experiences. All sessions are supported by current age-appropriate resources that are relevant to becoming, and being, a responsible digital citizen.
In ICT, Prep students will be introduced to our school library and will begin personal borrowing. They will investigate how books are organised in our library into fiction (picture books) and non-fiction (information) books and develop their knowledge of text features. They will also become familiar with the procedures and protocols we use at EPS when on the computers, such as why we log on and off and how to use a mouse accurately.
In ICT, Grade 1 students develop their understanding of genres and different areas of the library. They will be experimenting with very simple, step-by-step procedures to explore a programmable device, in particular a Bee-Bot robot. They will write and enter simple instructions to sequence the actions their Bee-Bot undertakes. Students will also begin simple word processing skills for classroom writing pieces.
In Grade Two, students build on their knowledge of fiction spine labels and understanding alphabetical order. In ICT, they delve into the way that we keep our information private. They will begin to use their own individual usernames and passwords when logging in to our school system, which gives them access to their own private folders and files. Students also learn basic online research skills, simple animation and continue to develop their word processing skills.
Grade Three students move on to recognising non-fiction call numbers and classification areas within the library. In ICT, students will begin their introduction to the Google Apps for Education (GAFE) including Google Docs and Slides and will also learn how to share documents with their peers and teachers. Students will use a coding program called Studio Code, which have targeted lessons to develop their skills based on their prior experience and skill level.
Grade Four students will learn to use our Library Online system for independently searching our school catalogue and will continue their understanding of non-fiction call numbers. They will be collecting data using Google Forms as well as presenting data using Google Sheets. Students will extend their skills in coding, through Sprite Lab on Studio Code, focussing particularly on vocabulary and problem solving.
Grade Five students will use the Library Online system for personal research projects, as well as learning basic referencing skills to support their works. Students will begin using Makers Empire, a 3D modelling computer program. They will complete the Training Lab, where students will learn and practise basic skills to navigate and utilise tools and functions within the program as well as practice spatial awareness skills. Then, they will move on to create their own designs independently or in small groups.
Grade Six students will be independently utilising the library resources for personal research projects and will focus on referencing skills for internet searches and newspaper articles. Students continue their journey with Makers Empire, where they use their skills to plan, design and print a 3D model. They will follow a Design Thinking Process, that will challenge and inspire students to think creatively and problem solve to create a prototype that will have an impact on a chosen target audience.
Happy reading and computing!
Laura Collins - Library Teacher